What qualifications does my osteopath have?

  • Australian Osteopaths’ have completed 5 years of university training
  • They have obtained a bachelor of science (clinical sciences) and a master of Health Science (osteopathy).
  • During the masters degree osteopaths have completed research into their chosen area of the osteopathic field.
  • All osteopaths must be registered with the Osteopaths Registration Board of Victoria
    WOHS osteopaths are also registered with the Australian Osteopathic Association, which maintains continual professional education & standards.

Do I need a referral to see an osteopath?

No, you don’t need a referral to see an osteopath. They are primary health care practitioners, which means all you need to do is call to make an appointment.

How long will my appointment take?

Your initial osteopathic consultation will take approximately 40 minutes – 1 hour and include a thorough medical history, diagnosis, treatment and discussion of further management.

Subsequent consultations take approx 30 minutes. Please arrive 15 minutes before your initial treatment to fill out a brief questionnaire about your past medical history and your presenting complaint.

What happens during my first appointment?

During the first consultation your osteopath will take a detailed case history including past medical history. This will be followed by a systematic physical examination (including orthopedic and neurological testing if required) which involves assessing joint range of motion, postural analysis and palpation of the muscular system.

Your osteopath regards the body as a unit; therefore the examination may involve adjacent areas that may also be impacting on your presenting problem. Once your osteopath has finished the physical examination he/she will discuss their diagnosis with you and outline a treatment plan.

Treatment may include soft tissue massage and myofasical release, gentle joint manipulation and articulation, stretching and ligament balancing techniques. At the conclusion of your treatment your osteopath may also provide you with postural, stretching, exercise or dietary advice to improve your body’s health and function.

What is the difference between Chiro, Physio & Osteo?

This is a commonly asked question. These health modalities may appear very similar in the problems they treat and techniques they use. However, it is the difference in philosophies, principles and the way the techniques are applied that sets them all apart. While it is not for us to explain the philosophies of Chiropractic or Physiotherapy, we can tell you all about osteopathy:

The holistic approach of osteopathy encompasses all aspects of the patient’s health and accesses factors that can be addressed both in and out of the treatment room. For example, if you are suffering from knee pain it is important to assess not only your knee biomechanics and associated muscle groups but also your foot, hip and low back as they too will influence the function of your knee.

  • Osteopaths will not put you on a ‘plan’ with set return dates
  • Osteopaths will not just treat the sore joint or muscle
  • Osteopaths do not treat multiple patients at a time
  • Osteopaths do not just give exercises and use heat or ultrasound
  • Osteopaths do not just manipulate or crack joints exclusively, excessively or heavily
  • Osteopaths offer a much wider range of hands on techniques of varying pressure
  • As an Osteopath our goal is to not only treat the symptoms of your problem but the causes behind them.

What should I wear to my appointment?

Osteopathy is a ‘hands on’ medicine, so you will most likely be asked to remove certain items of clothing (e.g. tops and trousers) depending on the location of your presenting complaint. We recommended you wear comfortable clothing that is easy to move around.

Gowns are also available.

Should I bring my x-rays with me?

Yes, please bring with you any x-rays, ultrasounds, CT and MRI scans and reports or any other test results that you feel are applicable to your presenting complaint on your initial consultation.

Is osteopathic treatment covered by Medicare and private health insurance?

People with ‘extras’ cover as part of their private health insurance are able to claim a portion of their treatment costs.

At WOHS we have the HICAPS facility so people with private health are able to claim on the spot and only pay for the remaining gap. Osteopathic treatment is not covered by Medicare unless you are on an Enhanced Primary Care (EPC) plan. This is managed and provided by your GP. Consult your osteopath or GP for further information.

What is an Enhanced Primary Care plan?

An EPC Plan is part of Medicare scheme and is designed to provide patients with chronic (long standing) pain and conditions. It allows you five Allied Health consultations per calendar year. Medicare will pay a portion of your consultation fee, which is claimed at Medicare office. Please note full payment is required on the day of treatment and a receipt will be issued for you to take to Medicare and claim the EPC rebate. If you are experiencing musculoskeletal pain in conjunction with another medical condition please ask your GP if you are eligible to go on an EPC Plan.

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